About Expresso
Expresso was my first college startup project. I have been a part of the team since it's beginning at Startup Weekend. I have acted as the platform’s user experience designer and have worked closely with a team of 10 Cal Poly Students. Over the past 3 years, we have developed a fully functioning pre-ordering platform that includes an iOS application, an Android application, an iPad application, as well as an online web portal.
Startup Weekend 2013
Expresso was created at StartUp Weekend 2013 in San Luis Obispo, CA and has been growing ever since. At the competition, Expresso came in 2nd Place and sparked the interest of not only the judges but of the team as well. Expresso is currently being worked on by a team of 10 Cal Poly students (including myself) and we hope to launch the product soon. Since the competition, Expresso has widened it’s target market from solely independent coffee shops to any independent shop that wants to integrate a seamless pre-ordering experience.
Expresso Mobile Application Design
Starting with the Expresso iOS application, my focus was to design an app that was both easy-to-use as well as visually pleasing. Through 3 years of user testing and development, we landed on our current application design. Soon after, we ported the design of the Expresso iOS application to Android and material design.
Expresso Landing Page
The landing page, which can be found at here, was created to give customers and businesses a perspective of what the application is, how it is used, and what it looks like. I designed and developed the site around the time we finished the iOS application in 2015.